Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Bridge

   I'm sorry it has been so long since the last post, but my day job has kept me more than busy.  I can't complain.  I need the money.   Needless to say, I haven't worked much on the guitar, but I did manage to get the fretboard on and the frets.  And today I made my version of the Gretsch Synchromatic bridge.  I think mine looks cooler.  The stair steps are also a Hopi symbol having to do with terraced dwellings. Tomorrow I'll start the tailpiece.  I have a new, retro (that would be an oxymoron) looking design that I'm excited about.  I hope to have the strings on before too much longer.  Here are some new pictures.  Sorry about the quality.  I wish I had a better camera.  Here's another Augustine quote I'll leave you with, "And I marveled to find that at last I loved you and not some phantom instead of you; and I did not hesitate to enjoy my God, but was ravished to you by your beauty."