Yesterday I was three clear coats from finishing the spraying. I had a smudge on the face of the guitar. I should have tried to clean it with naptha, but I sanded it. I sanded through the finish and the color. I tried to fix it to no avail, so I stripped the whole instrument down with acetone, resanded everything, and started again. Sometimes and education can be expensive. Today we had some good weather early on and I was able to spray the color on again, but now there are snow flurries out tonight, so it my be awhile before it's warm enough to proceed. This could have been a big deal, but it wasn't. I think I'm learning what is important and what is not.
Yesterday morning, before I started, my meditation verse was this, "Grieve not, is the name of my city. Pain and fear cannot enter there. Free from possessions, free from life's taxes, free from fear of disease and death. After much wandering I am come back home where turns not the wheel of time and change. Where my emperor rules with out a second, or third. In Abadon, filled with love and wisdom. The citizens are rich in the wealth of the heart and ever free in the city of God. Listen to Ravadis, just a cobbler. All who live here are my true friends."
Free from possessions. Can you imagine. In a place where your soul is not effected by time and change. This is what I was feeling when I started wiping of the finish of the almost complete guitar. It's really not that important.
I read this tonight and thought you might like it. "Travelers, it is late. Life's sun is going to set. During these brief days that you have strength, be quick and spare no effort of your wings." Rumi
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