It is finished! I spent the day Saturday sanding the guitar with 1200 grit sandpaper, which is like sanding with a rag. It took me all day to sand and polish it. My neighbor was putting decking boards on his new deck and finished up about the same time I did. It is amazing how long the sanding and polishing process takes. I bought some foam pads for my drill and used them to put on the three different polishing compounds. I think it turned out better than what I could do by hand.
The evenings this week were spent fitting the pickup to the finger rest and then wiring the pickup to the volume control and jack. I always forget how to do that and it takes me longer than it should. Yesterday I cut the hole for the jack and installed the pickup. Today I made a volume knob and set the action. I hope to play it tomorrow night at City Lights Cafe for their Valentines weekend dinner. I thought that would be a good way to make sure everything is working properly and the action is set comfortably.
Here is the prayer for the day. Another thought by Rumi.
There is a path from me to you
that I am constantly looking for,
so I try to keep clear and still
as water does with the moon.
Congratulations Jeff! The guitar is beautiful and I'd love to give it a spin.
Dear Jeff, What a beautiful guitar! You are an artist and craftsman. The beauty of the guitar will match your gift in music. Gayle Woody
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