Saturday, March 24, 2012

A New Commission

    I've started on a new guitar.  A commission for a friend of mine.  The plates have been joined and the material has been roughed out.  Next I'll route the outside edge down to three millimeters and then begin to carve the outside.  This is another 17 inch.  I'm going to inlay a Hopi Indian symbol somewhere on the fretboard, which I have yet to see.  We haven't settled on color, but he wants a Gretch style stair-stepped bridge, which I think will be fun to make.  Maybe some kind of Gretch f holes, but somewhat different.  Anyway, should be fun.  I have an upright bass that I need to reset the soundpost in, sand the fretboard, make the bridge adjustable, and set the action, then I'll begin the carving on the new guitar.
      I may have posted this before, but I read it this morning again and it is something I try to remember, especially when I begin this process.  "Those whose consciousness is unified abandon all attachment to the results of action and attain supreme peace.  But those whose desires are fragmented, who are selfishly attached to the results of their work, are bound in everything they do."  Bhagavad Gita
     "It is not so much work that tires us, but ego driven work.  When we are selfishly involved, we cannot help worrying, we cannot help getting overly concerned about our success or failure.  The preoccupation with results makes us tense, and our anxiety exhausts us.
      The Gita is essentially a call to action.  But it is a call to selfless action, that is, action without any selfish attachments to the results.  It asks us to do our best, yet never allow ourselves to become involved in whether things work out the way we want.
       It takes practice to learn this skill, but once you have it, as Gandhi says, you will never lose your nerve.  The sense of inadequacy goes, and the question "Am I equal to this job?" will not arise.  It is enough that the job needs to be done and that you are doing your best to get it done." Eknath Easwaran
       I remember emailing this passage to my daughter when she was frustrated trying to help at a school and orphanage in Kenya.  When I'm asked to do things that I'm not comfortable doing, I try to remember this.  Any effort is a good effort.  Prayerfully I'll shape this guitar and hopefully it will be an expression of what's inside me.  As Jesus said, " The kingdom of God is within you."


1 comment:

ctsavatewa said...

I am excited about this project. For your thoughts: "Time isn't used, it's experienced" - Hopi Proverb
