Thursday, January 10, 2013


  What a beautiful day!  It was almost 65 today on the 10th of January.  I think God is looking out for me.  I had the day off and good weather, so I sprayed a wash coat and two build coats of lacquer on the guitar.  The wet shine makes the grain pop out and look beautiful.  Tomorrow, if the weather holds, I'll spray the color on the top.  Chris has given me the go ahead to do a sunburst on the top with natural back and sides.  I'll have to scuff sand the whole guitar first and then mask off the binding with some pin stripe tape.   Then I'll be ready to spray.  If the weather cooperates, I should be able to get all the spraying done by Monday.  Then it will have to sit for a few weeks before I sand and polish it.
    Here is an interesting quote from Coleman Barks, a poet and teacher from Athens Ga., "For this open-air sanctuary that a lot of us live in, without buildings, or doctrine, or clergy, without silsila (lineage), or hierarchy, in an experiment to live not so much without religion as in friendship with all three hundred of them, and all literatures as well.  It is a brave try for openness and fresh inspiration."

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